Shut Down Deplorable Texas "Dog Alley"!

  • av: Paige D
  • mottagare: Curry's Trade Grounds

Dog alley is full of suspected puppy mills selling puppies as little as $30 without any background information, at a flea market. 

Puppy Mills will sell at flea markets because they do not have to abide by regulations established by the USDA. 

A lot of the dogs appeared sick, in rusted and old cages left out in the heat with no water.  Chickens and other birds were unable to move in their overcrowded cages.

This is no way to treat animals.

Please sign to shut down Dog Alley!

Dear Curry's Trade Grounds,

I strongly urge you to shut down Dog Alley which promotes puppy mills and the mistreatment of animals. 

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